

Do These Pans Make Me Look Racist?

You gotta love Target. I mean, embrace it, drink it in, bury your face in its bulls-eye bosoms and motorboat to your heart's content.

I often refer to Target as a shopping casino. There are no windows, no can cruise the aisles for hours and time somehow stops. You leave the store in a daze. Thirsty, hungry, looking at your phone and thinking, "Holy crap. How long was I in there?"

When you get home, you unload your precious parcels. The endless bags! Coffee and Flaming Hot Cheetos and toilet paper and dog treats and tampons and printer ink and socks. We put our goodies away, now-empty bags go into the dog poop bag collection and life goes on.

Shopping at Target has never caused me to face a moral dilemma. Until last week. Last week, I shopped at Target and I wrestled with my conscience. In front of a clearance end-cap.

You see, I need new pans. The ones I use daily are relics, vestiges from a life I used to live. A splurge from 2001, if I remember correctly. My then-husband would get once-a-year bonus checks from the company he worked for, and we lived large for a few months afterwards. That year, we bought pans. A set of Calphalon non-stick pans, with tempered glass lids, hard anodized heavy gauge aluminum exteriors...these were the CADILLACS of pans, folks. I swear the mac and cheese tasted better when made in these luxurious saucepans. 

So I've had these pans for a dozen or so years. They've seen a lot of life. A lot of curry chicken and ramen and pot roast and boiled eggs and more pasta than a set of pans should ever have to see. They're old, and in terrible shape. The non-stick surfaces are peeling off, leaving little black chunks of teflon floating in our meals. Kids: "What's this black stuff in our mac and cheese, mom?"  Me: "I don't know. Maybe pepper. Are you going to finish that?"

New pans have been on my Wish List for quite some time. But, as you know, I'm not one who can run down to Williams Sonoma and pick up a new set of designer pans. At the end of the day, I can think of at least a hundred other things we need with greater urgency. Food and electricity come to mind. 

The new pans, I always figured, would have to wait.


I was cruising down the back aisle of the housewares section, checking out dish towels and spatulas, when I saw them. PANS. A big huge box of beautiful pans and lids. 15 PIECES IN ALL. Lovely white ceramic non-stick interiors, charming cherry-red exteriors. TEMPERED GLASS LIDS, Y'ALL. And get this: IT WAS ON THE CLEARANCE SHELF. I'm drawn to the Target clearance end-caps like a sad little moth to a flame.

I had just been paid, and thanks to a slew of subbing hours in late July/early August, I was feeling flush. Feeling like the kind of woman who can indeed buy herself some new pans if the price is right. I approached the end cap with a curious hope, wondering just how far down these beauties had been marked. I negotiated with myself, saying "Okay Jenny...calm down. If they're less than $50, we'll think about it. I said THINK about it, alright?" Sometimes I'm so strict with me. 

I saw the price tag. $30!!!  Marked down from $119.00!!!! I think I heard a choir of angels singing...or that might have been my stomach growling. I'd been in the bowels of Target for so long.

And then I turned the box around and saw this:

Just kidding. I actually saw this:

Yes. The pans that I had already mentally purchased were PAULA DEEN PANS. I'm not going to go into detail about the "troubles" Ms. Deen has had of late. Let's just recap it by saying that she may be a wee bit o' racist. Like, "Hey y'all! Let's have black servers at the weddin'! And let's dress 'em up like old timey plantation servants!" And I think she also dropped the N word a few times. 

But let's not turn this into a cultural debate, okay? I'm not trying to be all aware and sensitive here. We don't need a discussion about whether or not Ms. Deen is a victim of an era and her geographical upbringing or whether or not she's basically an ignorant bigot. I don't even want to get started on the Pandora's box we open when we dig deep into the past and pull out bad decisions and ill-fated choices for all to see. 

I just needed new pans.

I thought about it. I clogged up that aisle with my cart and my conscience and my thoughts. I worried what my fellow Target shoppers would think of me, if they saw that crazy-eyed face on the box of pans in my cart. Would they think I supported Paula Deen and all that she represents? Or would they simply think, "Wow. Three boxes of tampons? Really?" ( was buy three/get a $5 Target gift card, people). I thought about the ramifications of my purchase. How much of the $30 I'd be spending would go to Paula Deen? Would this be like donating to her cause? 

And then I got really deep. Who's to say that we don't give our hard-earned money to people and causes that we don't agree with ALL THE TIME? Do you research every single product you buy? How am I to know that the CEO of every company I've supported with my dollars is on the exact same page as me, character-wise?  That the spokesperson who advertises the products I buy has the same morals and beliefs as me?

Bottom line is, I don't know these things. But this I do know:

I needed new pans. 

And so I bought them. We no longer have black bits of teflon floating in our food, but I'll admit...there are bits of something floating in my conscience. 


  1. I feel the same way. But $30?? Jackpot!

    1. Seriously. You can't even buy a single, crappy pan for that price.

      Thanks for reading. And I love your name, ha.

  2. At that price I don't think she got any of your money, don't worry.

    1. Jan, you are probably right! I need to let this one go.

      Thanks for reading!

  3. No question!! New pans all the way, and red ones at that!!

  4. It hasn't been widely publicized, but she was cleared of discrimination in the very lawsuit that made her look so guilty in the public eye. I would say this is a case where "Innocent unless proven guilty" did not win the day.

    AND, of course you needed to purchase the pans! I love Target. I wonder if they are on clearance in mine?

    1. Thanks for that info, Missy, I hadn't heard about that! I think our society is very good at vilifying people, humiliating them and then moving on to the next "victim". Like I said on my facebook page, I don't think what she supposedly said was cool. But I also think it would suck to be in her position. People in the public eye must have some very thick skin.

      Thank you for reading! AND you should go check out your Target! I also got a few Giada De Laurentils pizza cutters for 66 cents, lol. Perfect housewarming gift..throw the pizza cutter and a pizza gift card in a cute little bag. Or for a kid moving into a dorm...hmmmm..the possibilities are endless!

  5. Sorry - I am making a point of SUPPORTING Paula Dean. I think it was a pathetic money-grab a la Martha Stewart. If he was offended at the time why dud he wait all these years to go after her? I think he's a jerk - let's go after the successful business woman because HOW DARE SHE be successful - let me take her down a notch. She was then crucified because she was honest and didn't deny saying something a long time ago that she probably shouldn't have. Truth-tellers beware!! But everyone's so blinded and bamboozled by this nonsensical-PC movement that they jump with a vengeance on the bandwagon. Last time I checked no where in the Constitution do you have the right to NOT be offended. Not that I am pro-racist remarks - on the contrary - but who amongst us hasn't said something at some point in our lives that we're not too proud of? All you people who live in glass houses, have a good look in the mirror and then put down the stone. (This PD witch-hunt is so STUPID it just bugs me - had to get my little rant out.)

    1. Jen...I totally understand where you are coming from. And I'll be 100% honest here: I don't know the WHOLE story. I haven't read much about it, or watched anything. I just read a few op/ed pieces. I think I'll go read more about it so I am better informed.

      Also, this is exactly what I meant when I wrote that it's a stinky Pandora's box we open when ONE person is publicly crucified for long-ago transgressions. God knows there are plenty of things I'm sure I said 20 years ago that would hurt and offend and shock people. I think if we are honest with ourselves we will admit that we are all very flawed beings. We say things before thinking and that is something that will never change.

      Thanks for your input and for offering up your perspective. I admire you and respect you more than you'll ever know!

  6. One more thing. Go to Tuesday Morning. You can get your self some highly discounted Calphalons, All-Clads, Le Cruesets, etc. They may not be cheap, but you will have a better quality pan that will be worth the investment, especially if you keep your eyes open for the kinds of pans you want most and add them to your collection as you can.

    1. I was just looking at the Calphalon website and I see they have a new line of nonstick pans that are DISHWASHER safe! I'll keep an eye out. Thanks for the tip.

  7. NEW RED PANS!!!! I'm seriously jealous. Unless they say PD on them, surely nobody ever need know. I'm absolutely checking our end caps here asap.

    1. There is a tiny mark on the pans that may say PD, I can't see because my eyes don't read that small, ha! I just made an omelet in one of the pans and it was fabulous.

      Get thee to Target soon!

      Thank you for reading!

  8. Who cares? Glad you bought the pots you needed.

    1. You know what Gail? YOU ARE RIGHT. Who cares? Mama needed new pans.

  9. ooooooo red!!
    ~ pd... no no no that's * perfectly delectable *
    bon appetite!!!

    1. Awww Maggie! Thank you :) That's awesome. Perfectly Delectable. I smell a money maker for whoever has all the leftover Paula Deen stuff!

  10. I am sitting here in a hotel that sits across the parking lot from a huge Target store, and if you don't think that I am going to be in there at 8 AM tomorrow checking out the clearance shelves, you have another think coming.

    On another note, as we pulled into the hotel parking lot (after a week of camping), I said, "Hey, I haven't been in a Target in 8 whole days." Whereupon my spouse (formerly known as beloved) said, "It's a wonder they're still in business."

    1. Seriously! 8 days? That's gotta be a record. I find an excuse to go to Target at least once a week, even if my checking account is gasping for air. Even if all I walk out of there is a bottle of clearance nail polish.

      Hope you find some treasures this morning!

  11. Target is like the casino in Percy Jackson. You enter and you never want to leave because you're devouring all the tasty lotus flowers. I love Target and have lost many hours in there. And I save my bags for dog poop too! Too funny.

    Glad you got the pans! I don't think Paula Dean is that bad. I think she's a little ignorant but she got a bad rap.

    1. Ha! Yes, that's a great comparison.

      You know, I've been reflecting upon the whole Paula thing since yesterday, and after reading some of the comments about her. And I've come to the conclusion that she's not so bad. She's human, like the rest of us.

      AND..I think the media can be horrible to women. Especially women who are hugely successful. I'm willing to be there are some pretty influential men out there who have said (and done) far worse things than Paula ever did.

      Thanks for reading Karen!

  12. I thought the same thing when I saw those pans at Target... should I buy them? But really, they are already made. They have to go somewhere. If no one buys them at Target they might get donated (I've seen Target merchandise at Goodwill, for example) and someone would buy it there, or else it would be destroyed and that would be a huge waste of a good pan.

    Glad you got a good deal!

    I'm within walking distance of a Target and I'm there about twice a day, I know exactly how the end caps attract us.

    1. Thank you! I too have seen Target things at Goodwill, and that actually did cross my mind. And now I'm kind of kicking myself that I didn't buy the other set that was sitting there, because these would be PERFECT for someone setting up their first college apartment, which PLEASE GOD someone in this house will be doing soon.

      By the way, I just now figured out how to add your blog to my blog-following thing. I enjoy reading your stuff..and although my comment-leaving skills are atrocious, I'm working on it :)

      Thanks for reading!

  13. Wow, pretty sure I bought those same pans for my wife a while back, only I paid much more than 30. Rest assured that Paula already got her money when Target purchased them by the truckload to resell. The only folks benefitting from your purchase is Target and they are probably losing money on them at 30 bucks a set. You're simply helping Target recoup some their losses so continue motorboating guilt free! Sorry...being a guy I just can't get that motorboating comment out of my head. LOL.

    1. Here's the kicker: doing a little research for this post, I stumbled upon a $20 rebate form for these babies..but it expired THE DAY BEFORE I bought mine, wahhh! I could have had them for $10!!

      And LOL@ the motorboat. Thank you for being the first person to acknowledge that. I claim to be as straight as an arrow but dammit..motorboating looks like it would fun to do.

      Thanks for reading :)

  14. It is fun. But if you're a guy you have to be courteous and make sure you've shave recently or I'm told it can be irritating to the recipient. What? TMI?

    1. Have you read my blog? TMI doesn't exist in my world. I have been on the receiving end of a motorboat, and I have to agree. Unless you have, like a big Grizzly Adams beard. That would be kind of fun.

  15. Take a look at this:

    1. Thanks anonymous. I had to check this out, to make sure it wasn't some horrifying spam website, but it's the read deal. Very interesting, thanks for sharing!

  16. "Political correctness" is not making our world a better place. Everybody says stupid stuff and things that are offensive (I do it 20 times a day). Say your sorry and move on. Try to do better.

    Paula Dean said she was sorry. She can try to not make the same mistake.

    Giada what's-her-face, on the other hand, cannot make her head smaller. I can't watch her. Her head is scary big.


    1. I also bought a Giada pizza cutter that day, for 66 CENTS. And it got all rusty the first trip though the dishwasher. There's a lesson in there, somewhere.

      I agree with you about political correctness. I find myself censoring, or even worse, not writing what I really feel sometimes because I'm so worried about offending people. I think we all need to just realize that not everything is going to be to our liking.

      My God, if someone were to go back in my past (and by past I mean like 24 hours) and put on display some of the crap that I've said...yikes.

  17. Who gives a shit? Girlfriend needed new pans.

    And just so all your readers know what a great, selfless friend you are:

    I had been pining for a Le Creuset Dutch oven for quite some time (they are SUPER expensive, if you're not familiar, and Mama can't afford them, but loves nice cookware), and one night I get a text with a photo of the loveliest little 1 quart Le Creuset Dutch oven in a sunny yellow from The Happy Hausfrau, which read, "I'm at the thrift store; look what I found, do you want me to pick it up for you? It's $15 and it's 25% off day!"
    Not only could she have kept that little gem for herself, either to use or to sell on eBay at a tidy profit (I checked; that size retails for $105, plus it was a vintage piece in a color that was discontinued in the early '70's, and the care sticker was STILL ON THE LID!), but she dropped it off at my house then ran out the door without letting me pay her for it.
    That's the kind of friend The Housefrau is.

    PS. I use it all the time! It's the perfect size in which to make my 12 year old vegetarian a meatless version of whatever casserole-type meal we are having!

    Enjoy your pans! I look forward to some stir-fry soon.

    1. Just when I think it's not possible to love you any more. You da bomb, mama D.

  18. Haven't had time to catch up on your blog this summer. I miss you! But, I love Paula and I feel bad for her.. and I actually went to Target to try and find some of her products to support her! But... there is an app to find out what companies support. Buycott. Scan the code and it will tell you what causes they support. Love ya!

    1. Miss you too Kel! She's not so bad. Anyone who loves butter can't be!

      You're the second one to mention that app. As soon as I have a normal phone again I'm all over it.

      Love ya :)

  19. You did the right thing. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, should stand in the way of a bargain like that.

    1. Yay! I've been validated! I've been using my Deen pans and they are working marvelously. Not a trace of guilt or black specks in my meals.

      Thanks for reading Nina!

  20. If I tried to explain to my husband why I woke him up laughing so hard at a post about pans, he'd never understand (so I just ignored him when he woke up all startled).

    Ahhh.... Target. It's like xanax for me. Just the thought of going there settles my nerves.

    Great deal on the pans! I usually get my pans at Marshall's -- great quality at good prices. (I, too, had to replace all mine once the black bits became a main ingredient.)

    1. Isn't Target soothing? I swear I get high there.

      I need to get to Marshall's more often. One of the girls I work with always shows up with the cutest clothes and she gets most of them for around $5.00 "At Marshall's". Then again, she is 25 and darling.

  21. PS I have gotten such joy out of this post, because days later I'm still thinking about it. You see, when I first clicked on your blog I saw the title and read it as this: Do These Pants Make Me Look Racist?

    Pants! Not pans. Then I read you've had the same ones since 2001. WHAT????? Using your former husband's bonus you splurged on PANTS? And you've had the same ones since 2001????

    So yes, my reading glasses need to be adjusted. But thanks for the laughs!

    1. Mayhap we can find a two-for-one deal on new readers. Because I ALWAYS read this as "Do These Pants Make Me Look Racist" and I wrote the damn thing!

      Sadly, I do have articles of clothing from 2001. I actually have a sweatshirt from 1994. I bought it at the Gap the year I had my first kid. It's holey and awful but I still have it!

  22. Dear Jennifer,
    I can relate to your story 100%. This happened to me 12 years ago and I was taken completely by surprise. I had no idea I would have a social security record containing mostly zeros. I had never even thought about what would happen to me if my ex hubbie did not follow thru with his promises that he would take care of the job/money if I took care of the kids/everything else. You did a fabulous job of describing it all to people who just don't get it. Life sucks for us, and it's not fair...there needs to be a new policy that makes sure women like us can catch up when this happens to us. Because after 7 yrs I was still slipping behind, even tho I had an MA by then, and a job. I finally gave up and moved to Costa Rica. No joke. Am writing a memoir about women like us... Best wishes in your new job! and keep writing. You're good! Connie

    1. Hi Connie! I'm so sorry..just seeing this lovely comment now! Thanks a bunch for your kind words, I'm flattered. I'm also jealous..COSTA RICA? No snow? And you're actually getting ahead of the game? Sounds like heaven.

      I would love to hear more about your memoir..sounds like we have a lot in common.

      Thanks again for such a sweet comment. Hope everything is going well!!!

  23. Hello Jennifer,
    You described me to a T! Your writing is awesome, and you didn't even get an MFA yet. ha ha. My writing was better before I went back to college, too...while I was still married. Thank you for your thoughtful post about women who choose to stay at home. I wish I'd heard this advice before I made the same mistake. In 2001 I was suddenly shoved out of my comfortable nest and told to sink or swim. No alimony or child support or house or retirement. Unbelievable, right? But it happened. That was the law. We need new laws in this country for women who experience divorce after having made the choice--with husbands in agreement--to follow careers as homemakers. It was not just our choice, but our husbands who should bear responsibility, too. I agree that our daughters must have a Plan B. My daughter, in fact, has always been a career woman though she loved having Mom at home. Now she seems to blame me for having a hard time catching up to my peers who have had careers for 30 years. It's not fair, and people need to hear more about this issue. Thanks for sharing the message so succinctly!

  24. Wonderful post! This is great advice, and I hope it makes an impact on many women - even those who still have the option of being a stay at home mom.

    Years ago I use to baby sit for a doctor and his wife, who was a law school graduate and stay-at-home mom. I remember thinking THAT was the life I wanted.

    When I saw them again years later, as the kids were graduating high school and moving out of the house, I complimented the mother on her decision to stay home and raise the kids, even in light of her advanced degree. She pulled me aside and told me she treasured the time with her family... but now she was realizing that she essentially couldn't return to the workforce (in her chosen field) because her law degree and professional skills were hopelessly outdated. In hindsight, she wished emphatically that she had kept at least one foot in the professional world to keep her options open.

    I just got married last weekend, and despite my husband's comfortable salary and our desire to have children, I have decided I will do what it takes to keep a foot in the workforce. Family is of the utmost importance, but I want my kids to look up to me as both their mother AND a professional, and for my spouse to value me as a financial contributor and intellectual equal.

    Congratulations on your new job! I hope it harnesses your obvious talents in communication and your ability to relate with people around the heart of an issue.

  25. I laughed out loud more times reading your blog post, "Helen Tarnation" like comment had me rolling too as I didn't realize anyone outside the Deep South like myself ever knew about that awesome saying. Since finding your blog after reading your article on Huffpost I have been astounded that I can laugh almost as much as cry these days. Thank you for such witty insightful revealing and earnest posts. I look forward to reading more past posts as well as staying a new fan!

    1. Oh man, thank you so much! I'm sorry I just saw this comment now. THANK YOU for reading, and hopefully sticking around!

      Hope things are going well for you.
