

My Ex-Husband is "Concerned" About My Blog

Or so my attorney says.  I have two responses to this earth-shattering news:

1.  I'm rather flattered to learn that he's still a reader (do you and Skankenstein cuddle up with your Kindle and read it together?).

2.  Pffffffft.

Concerns?  You want to hear about concerns?  Pull the Kindle closer, my former love, and let me tell you about some of my concerns.

For a long time, I was concerned about keeping my house.  Concern morphed into grief when I lost it.

I'm concerned about my kids.

Sometimes I'm concerned about feeding my kids.  Especially when the checking account contains nothing other than vapors and the slightest scent of despair.

You concerned me when you used to stay out until 4 in the morning and didn't answer my frantic phone calls.  

I was totally concerned when you told me you were "going out to get coffee" and in reality "signed a one year lease on an apartment".

It concerns me that you didn't pay child support for over 3 years, because you couldn't afford to do so.  However, you managed to buy lots of new things and kept your mortgage paid and ate at restaurants and made a baby (which is free to do, doy, but babies themselves are pricey).

When you first introduced your girlfriend to my kids, I was concerned about how she'd treat them.  And then, when I found out about how she treated them, I got really concerned.  And sad.

I'm concerned about the fact that the new fall shows are starting and I don't have cable (this one has nothing to do with my ex-husband but dude...I'm really concerned about it).

People are concerned about me raising these kids pretty much on my own.  I think it's going ok, but it's hard.

Your lack of concern about the fact that you have no relationship with your daughter concerns me.  I'm concerned that her future relationships are going to be effed up due to daddy issues.  But knowing what an amazing girl she is, what a smart and independent girl she is, lessens these concerns a little.

I'm concerned about the fact that there is a tub of Red Vines sitting in front of me, beckoning and daring me to eat them.  Again, this concern doesn't concern my ex-husband but damn.  They look good.

The idea of you trying to scare me with your concerns about my blog concerns me too.  I love writing on my blog, and I think you know that.  And I think it scares you, which is why you're trying to scare me.  All of this scariness is a cause for big concern.

I guess that about sums it up.

Thanks for your concern.

Oh, and P.S.  If this blog concerns you, how are you going to feel when my book is on the shelves of Barnes and Noble?  


  1. Would you sign my copy of your book?

    On a serious note, what a riot. At least he's -concerned- about something.

    1. For you Alex, of course. I'll even write something witty in it.

  2. Boy, is he ever pathetic. Something tells me he must, at some level, be ashamed of what a shit he truly is, or he wouldn't be so "concerned." I think "Pfffffft" is the only response his little "concern" deserves.

    1. JCS, PFFFFFT is one of my standard answers. What I love about it is that fact that it's so flexible. It can be used while driving, when the kids ask me for something, when it's time to pay bills, and yes, when I find out that someone who has done so much WRONG finds himself CONCERNED about his ex-wife telling the world about her life. Tough titties works too.

      Thanks for reading, friend!

  3. This cracked me up! Sounds just like my STBX. Thanks for this and I will be "concerned" if I don't get to read anymore of your blogs!

    1. Oh man, sorry you have one like this too! Hope things are going as well as they can for you.

      I appreciate your concern ♥

      Thanks for reading!

  4. Wow!The nerve of the guy after all he puts you trough he's concern about your blog.He should be concern about his children's welfare and you my friend are my new hero.

    I admired the streng and the poise you have shown and you are being a great role model to your daughter.

    1. Well thank you very much, my dear. I truly appreciate the hero status, although I think I'm doing what all of us do when we are plunged into a difficult situation: the best we can.

      Thank you so much for reading!

  5. I just have to laugh at his concern! If I was there with ya, we'd be eating the red vines and drinking something that was made from vines and laughing at what an ass he is! I'd be concerned if our freedom of speech is taken away by people like him.
    It's dead beat dads like him that make us women stronger and kids powerful. I loath him! He should be concerned about the comments!
    Now pass the red vines..

    1. Thank God, the Red Vines are gone! 4 points for 9 of them, and yes I counted how many I ate. And enjoyed every last bite.

      I do have a bunch of wine and beer left over. Mayhap you need to get your butt here and help me take care of it!

      Thanks for reading, my friend.

  6. Concern shmashmern.
    He should be concerned about more important things, like the two holes I burned into him with my eyes at the graduation party when he wasn't looking.

    1. I loved, LOVED that my friends at the party covered all the bases for me: Gillian and Michelle were the civil folks, you and your sweet hubby did what you know I wished I could have done. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the moon and back.

  7. There are a lot of books you're going to have to sign! I would love onwe too! You made me laugh so much with this one today. What an ass.....It's the saddest thing that many of us will recognise our X or fathers children....I wish I could write like you, it would so therapeutic to let it out. Your book will help a lot of women, like your blogs have helped me....

    1. Ahhh Jeanette, thank you. It is truly sad that these kinds of men are so common. It's like mosquitoes.

      I have often said that this blog has saved me hundreds of dollars in therapy money. You never know what you can do...get a notebook and start writing out your feelings. Even if you are the only one who reads it, it's OUT and you'll feel better.

      Thank you for your kind words, and as always, for being a devoted reader.

  8. Of course! I will make a smiley face too, if you want!

    Thanks for reading dear.

  9. Jenny - you are welcome to come over and watch TV over at the Dolans! There's always wine in the rack and I'll even pop you some popcorn. Orville Redenbacker Smart Pop. How many points is that??

    1. Jen! I was just thinking about you. Wanted to do something nice for you after all you did for us at the party. Maybe inviting myself over for wine, tv and popcorn?

      4 points per bag! Not too shabby.

      thanks so much, my friend, for everything.

    2. Oh p'shaw. Let's recap. I showed up with Kid 1 in tow, spilled some red wine on your non-red carpet (God Bless Spot Shot), laughed my butt off (not at the carpet-wine-spillage - that would be naughty), and went home. You throw a fine graduation party sister!

      And OF COURSE you are invited - would love to share some wine and 4-point corn with you. What's on the tv schedule? I can also TIVO and there's Netflix - should be able to hook a sister up with whatever programming is desired.

  10. Go you for not rolling over & closing shop just because he says he's "concerned". I've known a lot of bloggers that do just that & I think it's bullshit. This is our space, you're not bashing him or his family...simply stating the truth :)

    1. Thanks Lin!! I'm covered by the First Amendment and have also have a couple of lawyer-types give me the all clear.

      To quote crazy Jack Nicholson: You can't handle the truth! LOL.

      Thanks for reading, lady!

  11. Girrrlll...I was DYING as I was reading this post...LOL! Too funny. Amazing the things people can find to be 'concerned' about when it's so many other things they should be concerned about but aren't.

    1. Ha! Glad I made you laugh :o) Yes, amazing, isn't it?

      Thanks for reading!

  12. Big Daddy Tool is "concerned"???
    Awwwwww. Pass me a tissue.

    1. Sure you need just one tissue? LOL.

      PFFFFFTTTT is right.

      Thanks for reading Beth!

  13. He will be TRULY concerned if a judge sentences to some jail time for screwing about on child support and other obligations. Concerned that his cellmate might get "better acquainted" with him, that is...

  14. YES! I will be first in line to get my copy of your book autographed, darlin'! :D

    And I hope you get a big, fat, super-friggin'-lucrative OPTION ON THE FILM RIGHTS!

    Hugs and strength to you girlfriend!


    1. Ooooh now you're talkin', Salish! A girl can dream, right?

      Thanks for the hugs and the strength, both are just what I needed.

  15. I am a new'ish follower, and a divorcee with a cheating ex and 3 kids -- and I love your blog! Cannot wait for the book -- I may need to head North from Chicago for MY signed copy too. Or hopefully the book tour will take you to our town.

    Seems to me that Secretary should be the one who is concerned -- what with Big Daddy following your every move. Clearly he has not moved on from you. :) I'd be concerned about him if I were her.

    Keep rocking the writing, and keep being such a great mom! And so happy for you that the party was a success.

    1. Welcome!! Thank you for your kind guys are giving me a giant head with all this flattery!

      So sorry to hear that we have the cheating thing in are you and the kids doing?

      You know, I was wondering why he's keeping such close tabs on me...hmmmm...

      Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate your encouraging words!

  16. Lovin Me some Jenny, Hausfrau style! You nailed it all:)

  17. Dear Ex-Hubby: "pls grow up man! Stop stalking and finding fault in ur ex-wife...shes trying her best to cope after u messed up her life big time. Its no longer your business whatever she does from the moment you betrayed her. Concern?! C'mon who are u kidding?! Let her be...and if u really want to be a "concern" citizen....give her and her kids whats due to her. She deserve it. You really dont get to have any opinion on her bec its you who shld be thinking of how to straighten your life. Read this...and pls a million times till it hits ur brain."

    To you girl....pls be strong, ur on the right track. Dont waste ur time minding useless people, he doesnt deserve ur attention. Live a life full of possibilities. I know in time, all wounds will heal and ull discover that ur still the same wonderful person that you are. Keep the faith. Ill be praying for you and ur kiddos. Godbless you!

    PS. just found out about ur blog thru fb (a link posted by Emily Griffin). And i enjoyed reading ur entries. Keep it coming! And yes, the book sounds like a good idea.:-) Hope it happens. All the best! ~ Janice

  18. Aww Janice, thank you! Your kind words (and the ones directed towards Mr Wonderful) mean more to me than you know.

    Thank you so much for reading!!
