

Musings on a Monday

Hello homies.  I have had what I think is called "writer's block".  Not sure if I consider myself a writer, per say, but I do know that I love writing this little blog and get some pretty amazing therapeutic benefits from it. The fact that a few people who live outside of my head actually enjoy reading this?  Icing on the cake.

The past month or so has been the emotional equivalent of a bear hug.  From like, a grizzly bear.  I find myself on this, the first official Monday morning of summer, feeling like the proverbial wet dishrag.  Wrung out, strung out, but at the same time, never have I felt more at ease.  More relieved.

Of course, the biggest how-do-you-do has been seeing Charlie graduate.  I've bored you all to tears with the drama surrounding my eldest baby and his struggles and whatnot.  You know the drill.  Well, Charlie has once again rallied, once again pulled himself out from the grips of a viscous undertow and made it to shore.  That kid was doing homework up unitl 4:00 a.m. on the day of graduation.  He did it.  And now, he may not even have to take a summer school class.  He is, for all intents and purposes, a high school graduate.

I've wrestled with the feelings I have when it comes to Charlie and the past few years.  I've always loved that boy.  Always.  And I know when I write about him, I tend to make him out to be some sort of martyr, some victim.  I'm not delusional.  I know a lot of Charlie's demons come from within.  I know he's made some spectacularly stupid choices and that is a big part of what has made life hard for him.

But I also know that another part of what has made this so freaking tough, is something that was never in his control, or my control or his doctors or counselors or whoever.  The mental stuff was always there.  I don't know if the divorce brought it out and gave it a sort of charge, some sort of frog's kiss...or if it was a combination of bad genes or maybe that Irish wedding I attended before I knew I was pregnant...I don't know what it was, what caused my boy to feel things so deeply and get hurt so badly.  Charlie had odds to face, odds that none of us can imagine but odds that nevertheless, should have been considered and respected and taken into account.

I've been talking to my dad recently.  Not anywhere near how we used to talk, but more than we have in the past few years.  He's been having Charlie work with him again, helping him maintain his rental properties around Minneapolis.  So dad and I have had some conversations at the door, a couple of awkward phone calls.  I shared with him my frustration with Charlie, how his graduation was maybe not going to happen, the possible summer school, etc.  He listened.  I thought it was progress.

Charlie wanted my dad to come to his graduation.  He called him, and invited him.  A few minutes later, dad called me.  And he said, "I have some things I have to get to tonight, so we probably won't make it.  But I have to tell you, the main reason we don't want to go is that we're disappointed in Charlie."  I said, "Ok."  He asked that I invite them to his graduation party, whenever that may be, and we ended the conversation.

Charlie asked, "Is Poppa coming?".  Without missing a beat, I said, "He's having some trouble at one of the rentals.  He's going to go fix it but they may not be there."

I get it.  I understand my dad's reasoning.  I've had friends tell me kind of the same thing...that it's not right to allow him to walk with his class at commencement if he hasn't completed the work.  It's not right to celebrate something that hasn't actually happened.  I get it.  Believe me.

I understand the why, I guess I'm just having trouble with the how part of it.  Charlie is not a bad kid.  He hasn't hurt anyone.  He hasn't committed any crimes or broken laws.  Personally?  I'm just elated that my kid is still alive, still functioning, still walking and talking and making me crazy and making me proud.  I know what he's been through, and just between you and me, for a while there I was terrified that we wouldn't make it this far.  I used to tiptoe down to his room and make sure he was breathing.  I consider the fact that he's HERE to be a victory.  The fact that he's stayed in school, gotten this far after so many wipeouts?  I think that's pretty amazing.  I celebrate that.

And so my son attended graduation.  He put on his cap and gown, posed for pictures with friends, sat in that huge, crowded gym and when they called his name and he walked across that stage I cheered.  I cried and I cheered and I clapped, and I felt perfectly ok with it.

He glowed.  His smile that night made all that we've gone through seem so insignificant, made it all seem like a bad dream that we suffered through.  Seeing my son walk with his peers, some of them he's known since they were in infant ECFE classes, seeing him do something so absurdly normal and was good.

I had signed him up, at the last minute, to attend the lock-in style all night party they throw for the graduating class.  One of my friends, who was on the party committee, convinced me to volunteer.  I balked at first, was indignant in my replies:  "What do you think I am, a vampire?  I can't stay up that late!" and "But I have three other kids to deal with."  His replies:  "Drink a 5 Hour Energy" and "They can handle themselves" (Love you, David).  So I went, and I was so happy I did.  I got to see 600-something 18 year olds celebrating a huge milestone, celebrating their pasts and just being together for what could be, for some of them, the last time.

And as I sat there, in the room I was assigned to watch, I got to see my son play.  I was able to see him get hugs, high fives.  I watched him be a normal, average kid.  Laughing, talking to girls, joking with his friends.  As I watched him I thought about what he's gone through, what he's overcome...I thought about what's in store for him, how he has his entire life before him.

For just a second, he was five years old again, playing at the park with other kids.  He was smiling, happy.

I held back my tears, believe it or not, until the drive home at 1:30 a.m.  And even then, for the first time in so long, they were happy tears.

He's made it.  Life for my boy?  It starts now.

And I couldn't be more proud.


  1. #1 - you are a writer.
    #2 - the accomplishment for your son is way more incredible than that of an "average" kid. He did it and he did it the hard way. You should be very proud, as should he.

    1. #1- THANK YOU...that made my heart jump a little!

      #2- again, thank you. I can't tell you how much it means to me, and I guess to Charlie (by proxy) to know that someone out there gets it ♥

  2. Just wanted to let you know that I recently found your blog and I love it.

    I have two teenagers: a 19 yr old boy who has special needs and a 14 yr old girl who has depression and adhd. I feel your pain and I'm so glad to know that he is coming through it.

    As for Charlie's graduation, I'll put in my two cents even though you don't need it. Celebrating with a child for what they have accomplished is never a bad thing, even if you would have liked them to accomplish more. It seems to me that Charlie has accomplished a lot.

    Keep writing...I'm reading!!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing a little bit of your story with me. I hope your kids are doing well...being a 14 year old girl is hard enough, my heart goes out to your daughter (and to you, mom). I'm so glad you found me!

      I appreciate (and always need) your two cents! Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words. They mean so much.

  3. Hey lady! Congrats to Charlie and you too! I see nothing wrong with celebrating because what he did is an accomplishment.

    1. Thank you so much!!! We will indeed be celebrating.

  4. Congratulations to Charlie & to you! He's come so far & even if he's not officially done with school he still deserves to celebrate his accomplishments. You on the other hand, you deserve SO much for being a fantastic mom & support system to those kiddos.

    1. Oh Lin, thank you so much. You've been one hell of a cheerleader this past year! It's much appreciated.

  5. I'm proud of him and you. You are a great mother and he's a great son.

  6. Frick. I'm crying like a baby.

    Catching up on your blog. I <3 you.

  7. Congrats to both of you!

    (P.S. You are a writer, and you write beautifully.)

  8. So I know this is 2013 but I'm just going through your blog now, and I couldn't not comment on this one.
    I know you hear it often here, but you are an amazing mom. My depression started in Grade 8 when my grandfather died, and my grades were falling. As an honor student, Cs were like failing grades for me.
    My mother told me that I was using this as an excuse to slack off. I progressively got worse and in the beginning of Grade 11, I left my house to live with my then boyfriend (now husband) because I was mentally and emotionally falling apart.
    My mother thought I left because I was pregnant. She refused to let me take online school and let me get counted as a drop out. She called me a whore and a slut and that she was disappointed in me. I had teachers email me and tell me my husband was corrupting me, even though I begged him to take me so I can try and get myself back together.

    It took me so long to feel half normal again because I felt so alone.
    So as a then teenager who had no support going through depression, I thank you for showing me that there are parents like you, who understand that it is a long hard road.
