

Weight update

Almost a month into my latest stab at joining the thinner ranks. I am trying to fit some exercise in whenever possible. I used to belong to the local YMCA and absolutely loved it, but unfortunately I had to dump that luxury. They do have a "pauper's membership" which I am considering, but given the nice run of weather we've had lately I'm trying to make do without.

Walter (my dog/significant other) is always up for a walk. So I've been taking him out on 3-5 mile jaunts just about every day. I walk to the post office with him, when the number of packages I have to mail can fit in my little UnderArmour backpack (when worn with my Keens, I think I make a pretty convincing outdoorsy lesbian). I've also been biking to work. Yes, I know I only "work outside the home" three days a week, and that said "work" is less than a mile away, but give a fatty some credit for trying. Plus it's green. Makes up for the fact that I do indeed ask for plastic at the grocery store checkout, despite getting the hairy eyeball from some sleek, cloth-bag toting, lululemon wearing enviro-bitch behind me. I use them for poop bags, judgy.

The walking, combined with my dramatically different (sorry Clinique) food choices, have resulted in a thinner face, smaller boobs and two days ago I officially fit into my size 14 collection of Gap jeans. Granted, they were air dried and when I did get them on I had to do some rigorous calisthenics, but dammit I got 'em buttoned. My size 14 collection was once considered my Fat Pants, so I am taking this little victory with a non-fat grain of salt.

I have to keep telling myself: It took me over a year to get this freaking fat, it's not going to fall off in a month. But I am admittedly making progress, which is enough to keep me away from Taco Bell for now.

1 comment:

  1. 'Your dog/significant other'... Love that! LOL!

    I was a size 18 when I got the news about my cheater. Now I'm a size 12 and that happened in 2 months! People keep asking me my secret. Is it South Beach? Uh, no, it's stress and I wouldn't recommend it.
